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How to Write an Official Letters With Example for Different Office Use/Works?

Official letters are used in our day to day life such as application for various posts, jobs, applying for leave or permission and to the officials, making complaints or requesting them of some obligation, appreciation etc. These letters also should have a formal style and written clearly and precisely.

Nine Parts of an Official letter:-

  1. Date:

Date of the letter written.

  2. Sender’s address (From Address):

the addresses should be written on the left.

__ __ __

  3. Receiver’s address (To Address):

__ __ __

  4. Salutation:

Usually it is addressed as Sir

  5. Subject and reference:

Sometimes need to be written.

  6. Body of the letter:

Write in a brief manner, stating the needs in clear style. Matter varies from letter to letter.

  7. Subscription:

General forms are:

(i) Yours faithfully, (ii) Yours obediently, (iii) Yours sincerely, (iv) Yours lovingly,

  8. Signature and date:

Full signature should be given and the name should be written clearly below it. Date should be given in the left end.

  9. Address on the envelope:

To address is written on the envelope.

Example of Official Letter

To the Manager of a company applying of the post of a Data Entry Operator

Jems R
22, Richi Street,
Chennai – 600 001.
The Manager,
Sytel Tech Ltd.,
25, New College Road,
Chennai – 600 101.

Respected Sir,
I wish to apply for the post of a Data Entry Operator in your company. I am 22 and I ahve passed BSc Computer Science in I class. I have passed type writing higher in English. I have a good knowledge about computer. I ahve enclosed a copy of my certificates herewith.

If appointed I promise to discharge my duties honestly

My address is given above.

Yours faithfully,
Jems R.
 Address on the envelope  
The Manager,
Sytel Tech Ltd.,
25, New College Road,
Chennai – 600 101.
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